

I am not Yours...
You are mine..I may not be yours..
Every breathe I take is in your name..
I don't want to know if I'm right or wrong..
All I know is the truth that..
You have been in my senses since...
The day I opened the door of my heart..
You looked amazing..
As you stood there..
I didn't realize I was shivering within..
How much you have changed me...
You will never know..
Though we talk time and again..
Yet I can never share ..
Yes,you will be in my heart and in me
You will stay..
No one can ever take your place..

I have become Me..
The better Me..
Perhaps I feel...
This is the best of Us..
This is the best of Me...
Patience and love ..
Has only made me stronger...
Even when life fades away..
We will stay stronger..
Our souls United Forever...

*Not all love stories are complete..
Yet every story makes the two person trust and become stronger..