

In the quiet of the afternoon's embrace,
When sunlight gently softens its embrace,
lies a moment, tranquil and deep,
Where weary souls find solace to keep.

Eyelids flutter, dreams gently unfurl,
In the hush of midday's tender swirl.
Time pauses, in a fleeting hour,
As worries fade, losing their power.

Whispers of dreams softly sigh,
Underneath the vast, open sky.
Afternoon nap, a fleeting treasure,
brings peace and rest, in boundless measure.

Wrapped in blankets of warmth and grace,
A gentle smile on a tranquil face.
In the stillness, let worries be,
embrace the gift of reverie.

For in this quiet, timeless pause,
Life's relentless rush takes a pause.
Afternoon nap, a sweet release,
Where hearts find calm, and troubles cease.
© bumblebee