

( 19 february- 20 march)
You don't have to be perfect for Pisces, just be you.
We will respect you more for being real We take a friend's hand during a difficult time console them and help as much as we possibly can
You would be surprised how easily we are willing to understand
most times we give second chances
Often pisces can become distant
Always gives respect with discern
keep honesty reciprocating
hates fake twofaced lier's but a total sweetheart when told the truth.
Pisces will do things for others without expecting anything returning
when others do things for us,
we may feel undeserving.
Truly has the most generous and compassionate soul.
but somedays can be antisocial
just as much as we are loveable
we can also be equally as hateful
it takes patience to deal with pisces because sometimes we become over emotional
regardless if we are somewhat a handful to handle every now and then we are quite likeable while remaining irresistibly desired and replacing someone like us is damn near impossible .
© Hnfgwen