

Life, It Seems
Everyone keeps on saying

You’re still young

You still got ample of time

Ahead of you, enjoy it

Cease the moment

Time will come and the life

You’ve always imagined

You’ve always dreamed for

Will come to you, so wait.

But ah, the young ones


Is not their virtue

And they tend to ignore

And forget to listen

They can’t wait to grow up

Believing that time

Is not on their side

And they’ve got to chase it

Or else they’d be left behind.

Nobody told them that time

Time will never be on their side

It was nobody’s

For it seems

Shorter when you’re having fun

And longer when you’re sad.

They didn’t tell you

That life, will never be handed to you

In a silver platter

They didn’t tell you

That life, eventually

Will drain you

Till you’ve got nothing to give.

They didn’t tell you

That life, eventually

Will drown you

Until you gasp for air

And it was then you realized

It was your own tears

That has been drowning you.

And now that you’ve grown older

Can you honestly utter

“This is the life that I’ve always wanted” ?

That this is the life that you’ve settled for?

If that is true then, believe me when I say

You are one of the few

Who could say that

“I’ve lived my life to the fullest.”

© euphemia

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