

Why I ✍️.........
Why do you write oh boy
Many do ask, oi
Why take the path of poetry
Some even say its a catastrophe

Some ask if from it i get money
And this questions seems lots of funny
Cause earning has never beeen my aim
For without it i have got nothing to loose or gain

I write to stable my restless and ever running mind
To leave everything in the world behind
For in the art my heart takes flight
In the pens ink and on the paper, white

I write to give my thoughts a home
A big one where they can restlessly roam
I write to free the voice inside
To let it sing and let it guide

I write to say things that have remained unsaid
This silent whispers in my head
To talk about things hidden
And let go of things i have been seeking

I write for those who need a voice
To show them that they have a choice
To light a path and show the way
And help them find the words to say

I write to heal wounds so old
With words, like balm so soft and bold
To find the peices of my broken heart
And mend them again for a fresh start

I write because within the art
I find the essence of my heart
For its a sanctuary where I’m free
A place where I can truly be

I write to bridge the space
To touch hearts of those daer, to find my place
To share the silent, secret in my heart
And weave history and happenings with threads of art

I write bout love, joy, pain
Even bout times when my strength wanes
Laughters i've shared for tears I have weep
And promises i've swore to keep.

I write for you, for us, for me,
To bind our souls in poetry
For every reason, small or grand
I write to simply understand