

"Colors of Holi"

On the day of Holi, colors fill the air,
Each shade represents a different flair.

Red, the color of passion and love,
Like the flames that rise above.
It symbolizes strength and energy,
And a burning desire to be free.

Yellow, the color of sunshine and glee,
Like the joy that's felt inside of me.
It symbolizes happiness and hope,
And a brightness that helps me cope.

Green, the color of nature and life,
Like the trees that sway in the breeze so rife.
It symbolizes growth and harmony,
And a peaceful serenity.

Blue, the color of sky and sea,
Like the vastness that stretches free.
It symbolizes calm and depth,
And a sense of tranquility that is kept.

Purple, the color of royalty and grace,
Like the beauty that radiates from your face.
It symbolizes luxury and sophistication,
And a sense of elegance with passion.

As the colors mix and blend,
They create a vibrant rainbow to extend.
Each hue represents a different emotion,
And together they symbolize life's notion.
© Shristi