

himalayas-the ancient land
By the flickering light of an ancient lamp,
By the twinkling waters of an ancient river,
The dancer entertains the heathen enemies.
This fascinating history forever etched in stone,
Is a monumental discovery of unknown land,
where light dance with the star in midnight sky,
where ancient folklore comes alive every dusk,
where sound of ancient hymn bring life back from slumber,
where ancient spirit rejevunate lashes every spring,
where material hardships compensate spiritual wellbeing,
where ripple of water creates a soothing music,
Is this the ancient land where monks mingle with gods,
ls this place where god meditated for millennium,
Is this place where ancient saints found their salvation,
Is it the place which inspired writer for melaniaum,
Is it this land where ancient sages dwell
with his pupil,
This is place where nature enormous vastness make you humble,
This is place where concourer bow their head before start,
this is the place live like wall to protect its people,
Is this place of our ancient epics where
gods live,
yes,this is,