

Commandment Countdown ( The greatest commandments)
" You shall love the LORD your GOD with all your heart, souls, mind and strength;
and you shall love others as you love yourself."
love God and love your neighbours in
your neighbour is anyone around us, regardless of their ethnic, religious, or socio-economic status.

Think about the cross, it goes from top to bottom, indicatin God's love coming from Him to us
and tetge criss cross goes from left to right, now we have to love those on our left and those of our right,
love others.

What does it mean to love God with all your;
Heart: Trusting and letting God lead the way.
Soul: Wanting to live and be like Him, following Christ.
Mind: Dedicating our mingpds in knowing Him, His will and His word.
Strength: Making the time and energy to spend time with Him and taking out gifts, skills, talents and abilities He has given us to embrace, praise and honour Him.

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