

Love's Sobriquet
2 souls interlocked/interwound forever
A cryptic lock for which there is no code no key
2 lovers a connection that cannot be broken.
A manic need to have your beau by your side
2 bodies entangled/interwoven into a permanent rapture. A pleasure only a fatigued mortal shell can extinguish
2 hearts pulse/beat together in unison. A heartache only propinquity can cure.
2 lips pursed in anticipation pressed intently together. No restraint is given to their passionate enjoinment.
2 hands grasped never letting go. When the will to hold on tires the absense will be felt. A phantom desire to be touched to be held.
2 eyes gazing deeply into the soul's window. They see their heart's desire and want nothing else. A hypnotic trance that won't be broken for a lifetime.
© Peter Gunn