

I need friends
Grew up in solitary, isolation psychosis barring, i was always the new kid on the block, percieved as scary. Parents fed me to numb my pain, spent my youth over eating and playing games.

As my grades fell so did my self esteem, I was the only black kid who did rely on the sticky green.

I grew up on top of a silent hill, with a jacked up guardian angel who was always a thought shill. I always sexualized my teachers but what was the reoccuring thrill?

First saw porn by the age of 6, saw a girl screw her family members guess you can call it a banan split.

Grew up went to the mall alot, got called a nice guy and walked over by early 00`s thots.

Started writing at the age of 12, wish writco was around back than, maybe my teen years wouldnt have been a living hell....
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