

Weekend Rituals
She wakes up, lies still while grabbing fragments of her dreams before they disappear.
Meditation station.
Has a spliff for breakfast; black coffee on the side,
Does yoga to some smooth rhythms,
Body awareness at its absolute peak.
Washes face.
Hydro mask,
Brushes teeth.
Makes up bed.
Checks on plants; waters and mists if needed.
Eats a decent sized bowl of exotic fruit, spring water on the side.
Looks at what the world is up to.
Goes on cyber journey's down spirals;
Thanks the universe for all the signs.
Messages people back if she now has something to say.
Writes down thoughts, poems, conversations between strangers which dance in her head.
She writes this.
Sets up a camera, shifts and twirls around its edges.
Photographs herself; capturing a little bit of her essence.
She shares these moments sometimes.
Good vibes multiply when shared at the right time, with the right people.
Stops to appreciate nature,
She keeps giant sunflowers by her bed,
They speak to her and she listens.
She tells all her plants how beautiful they are,
She tells herself she is beautiful too.

© Leila Rose