

The journey
Now sooraj was in the warmth of his spirit guide.
now he heard, child now it's you who have to choose a path.

he was presented with infinite number of paths .
each one will lead you to a different universe which will give you a different experience, it said.

he entered one , he was now in a magical land.
here he saw
true love.
true affection.
true friendship.
true sacrifices.
true kindness.

here he had experienced the purest form of everything.
he saw how happy people were being so good.

there was
no sign of evil.
no one cheated anyone.
no one told lies.
every thing was so good over there
he could really feel the positive energy.

After a long time, his eyes were filled with tears and he could not control crying.
it was the best feeling of his life.

this is a small idea of the second part of the story that I am going to write.

so please comment if any improvements needed.

© Achu