

Kwon dum
We always plan a life like a wonderful painting,
But sometimes, we somehow paint a foggy landscape.
Fools will lay still like a rock and never stop complaining.
But the keen will stand up and paint over a prettier shape.

planned life painting. cool. I guess that's the huaman ish societal norm crap.

because the best part of the painting is when. a tiny fae paint themselves in. making known there existence and your kindness in deserving their friendship. the best part of a painting is dropping it and letting nature smear its own color blend with yours.

and then we get to depict it later
quNtam teamwork.
in color.

anyway , if you hate the fucking painting, definitely let it dry. the worst you can get is grayer black. then you can use chalk or charcoal or, make confetti or burn it to stay warm and Alive.

can't really fuck paper up. that's why it's like my favorite thing.
besides the fact that it's related to the leaves and the bark and the roots of the trees. in my opinion, paper is related to wisdom. and aye . get to touch it.

a fool will lie still like a rock and never stop combining.
so will I.
investigate our pain.
and hopefully you won't have to experience why.
if a fool complain forever and no soul in sight. I will lay beside him. I'll shout louder . sing softer. and teach their flaws to them as light.

cuz that's what I see.
then they'll get up. go home. and y'all will shut you're fucking judging mouths. the keen get to stand up and paint.
the wise ... get to wait for the fool to fruition as folly understanding wisdome or wake .
love you.
© chorus chrubble