

Yet oddly enough...
my life oscillated between extremes of
monotony and misadventure !
there were days on end
when I would restrict my movement
and draw blank pages on my mind
with a turtle on hybernation as benchmark;
(secretly believing I am conserving my energy
for the time I need it most)
and then there were times
I would work myself to physical sickness
slowly and steadily with heavy doses
of sleepless nights of methodical thinking
testing and retesting hypothesis
heavily arguing and debating theories
cooking a boiling broth of nothingness in my mind
awkwardly for my lone consumption
the heaviness of the atmosphere
weighing on my body
the universe staring down at me
till I could stand it no more... and succumb

in between was a life
clueless of my vagueries
an unsolved puzzle with scattered pieces
that refused to fit
