

Glancing through windows
Sitting still on stairs,
hands folded around.
Vision about, the aim that I set out.
Absence seizures ,
the hemispheres jump the thoughts around.
Abashed by the stuff, I failed upon.
Should I time travel back ,
Without staying in desolation for some unexpected score .
Footsteps passing , A constant nemesis.
I sit for some more time, making this illusory flow out on all sides.
Lonesome chills , circumlotary speaks to console.
But nothing goes in as I watch the rays fade crawl.
I walk out to see the ball of fire going down,
Thinking does it even fear,
as the smalls steal its spot
exhibiting their unusual patterned forms.
I look back to the desires I started out ,
Glancing through this window ,
Omnipotent , the ball I see ,
Knowing the one that lights the others through a distance,
remaining altruistic without discriminating no one around.
To Have the world by its tail
I overcome this lassitude ,
I determine myself to work even harder ,
As these fading rays ignite me new.
Commencing again with Abecedarianing all spots .
I set again to envisage my thoughts.
Promising myself , as the dark holds no long.
Opening the dream aperture, the next day to see the rays that light upon .

© unnamed