

I am guilt masked by innocence

There is a side to me no one else should see

At heart only I know I am not that good a person

So consider yourself lucky to see the good of me

I am danger hiding behind the smiling face

I am poison lurking in the sweet taste

Do not be fooled by what I have to show

For human heart none can ever know

I am the thief disguised as the saint

My true colour is a mixture of every other paint

We may share the same world but not the same brain

I may look perfectly fine but who knows if I am insane

Thank you for accepting me for what I have been

Sometimes I can be pleasant and other times maddening

I was just trying to live up to everyone's expectations

And I did not even know what were their expectations

I know things of the past should remain a history

But against my wishes they keep coming to me

And they are bound to me like a moth to a flame

Making me cringe and filling me with remorse and shame

I know everybody has their dark side

And mine was veiled for which I thank God

But at times I fear that

A leopard cannot change its spots

At times I cannot believe that I am what I am

And I just want to be anything that I am not

Call me ungrateful

But at some point we all have that thought

Can you hear the evil whisper?

I can hear it clear

I try to go against nature and nurture

And I try to repaint my true colour

But the more I try the more I see failure

They have become a part of me and it is a torture

And I am cursed to live with it for ever

To face the future in fear


I guess I really am overthinking

Perhaps I keep on looking on what is missing

And forget to look at all of the good things

I have wasted a good portion of my time

Trying to make these cheesy words rhyme

Time to deactivate my default mode network

Pen down and start focusing on my work

© rexfaisal