

What Is Life Worth?
What is Life Worth?

Life is like water; it reflects whatever you offer
If you give it something bitter, it tastes bitter
If you give it something sweet, it tastes sweet
That's how I view life until now

What is life worth, if you work so hard and yet
When it's time to reap, the harvest turns to regret?
What is life worth, if we are born only to die someday?
What is life worth, if we don't know if we'll see another day?

We are told to work real hard to make a living
But there are those who never work and are living
And those who work can never escape the rat race
What is life worth? Who can answer this case?

We are told that education is power
But those who have power are not educated
The poor work for the rich and the rich get richer
What is life worth? It's hard to believe until you see a picture

The poor want the nation's economy to get better
But the rich loot the failing economy into their coffer
Only if you know what happens in government
How can a nation that had agriculture be suffering from hunger and torment?

Yet the poor citizens put their faith on the leaders
And hope that tomorrow will be better
Are we that stupid? Or are we lazy to work?
What is life worth, if the youth are no longer the leaders of tomorrow?

There's this popular quote that says that the weak men create hard times
And the hard men create good times
Now I ask, are we the weak men generation or the hard men generation?
What is life worth, if we can't change the situation?

Some people will say, God help us ooh
But how can God help us, if we are not willing to help ourselves?
What can God do to help us, if we ignore the inspirations and ideas that he gives us?
Or do we want God to rain down rice and beans?

What is life worth? I ask
Please answer me
I can't be a farmer and a writer and an entrepreneur at the same time, can I?

If we can look ourselves in the mirror and make some changes starting with ourselves
Maybe we can not only exist in life but live it
What is life worth?
Maybe I shouldn't ask such a question since I don't make life
But why live to die, when we can live to live eternally?
Why don't you think about it?

I know to some people that's just a fantasy
But if we have just one life to live and there is a promise for another life after this
Why not take that chance?
Or are you so keen to damnation that you lack common sense?
What is life worth, if you can't make the right choice?

© Ugonwanne Joshua