

If I were a flower
If I were a flower, would be
a sunflower amidst roses
An aura of hope sans thorns
Spread my smiles wide
to encompass an ocean

Yet we are all not sunflowers
Hearts trusting and open
An ingrained sense of loyalty
That can never be shaken.

Some are roses
Sheltering amongst thorns
Hearts never risked
Nor an emotion promised

A few are wildflowers
Not prisoners of destiny
But carefree travellers
Forge a life of mutiny.

Fair weather flowers are a dime a dozen
They decorate the happy haze
Cast by the mists of time
Vanish when the bell of reality tolls.

Each flower in the garden of Eden
Are sown with the same seeds
Some leave fragrances for years to cherish.
While others give a stench, full of blemish.
The choice is ours to wish.

© Lakshmi Ramesh