

Finally 18
Finally at the age where failure is no longer an option
Everything from this moment counts
The responsibilities have been increased
The pressure is worse
All eyes are on me now
My life is now in my hands
I can do with it what I please
The age I’ve dreamed of is finally here
To age doesn’t mean maturity
To be a child in an adult’s body is common these days
Physically I still look the same
But mentally I refuse to remain the same
The journey of life isn’t easy
Coming this far hasn’t been easy
The obstacles I encountered to get this far
The days I wanted to end it all
The tears I shed to be this strong
The smiles I faked to keep moving
The nights I cried myself to sleep
The numerous times I fell and wanted to stay down
The abuse, physically and emotionally I endured
Everything has been draining
But to say it’s over is deceitful
Because it’s only just beginning.
Things haven’t been perfect
And being 18 won’t make it perfect
I’m scared, I’ve waited so long for this day
I’m scared…but I’m not alone
I’m starting this new phase with God
I sound silly saying this
When I haven’t heard from God or seen Him
But I like to believe I’ve felt his presence in rough situations.
So I know I’m not alone.
The different people I met on my way,
Thanks for the experience.
Those who tried to break me,
Thanks for showing me how strong I could be
Those who succeeded in breaking me,
Thanks for making me stronger but FUCK YOU
Special thanks to those who stood by me.
Finally 18, damn life is moving so fast
I’m grateful for everything
I’d lie and say I won’t change a thing
But I will in a heartbeat
I’ll change every single bad thing that happened
I know I didn’t need that to build me up for shit.
Happy birthday to me❤️