

My bag
Fleshly baggage
there's no room at the cross for you
so get off of me
let me into the fiery furnace so that I can get it over with
staying in bondage hurts much longer
trying to get polished so I can become well and much stronger
I wilt be whole
I must be bold
used to this luke warm weather
hot now but it will be cold
not condemned to this season
of wallowing guilty of treason
wimpy and creepy
but now it's still to get sheepy
and follow the host
who will bless us all accordingly
filled with His own holy ghost.
instead of walking around the water in drool
waiting on someone to walk with me and put me in the pool
time to Get up from your bed
make it and go home
show you know where you came from where you will end up
but for right now it's about where you're determined to go
Thy will have you stand
Be ye transformed
Thy wilt be done!
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