

I’m standing on a rocky ledge
Leaning forward into the wind
Swimming with sharks when I fall in
Bleeding out slow again
Praying against the sin,
But I’m holding hands with Death
I’ve got to get close so he’ll let me in

Taking a walk down the darkest roads
Whispering shadows,
Saying I’m not alone
Stepping on nails
Heading straight for Hell
Playing with fire
Tempting to go higher
Burning a little brighter

Begging Death to come back to me
Willing to do whatever he needs
Forgive me
Forgive me
Don’t forget me
We could have got married

Missing when he talked to me
I’m fucking up everything
Wishing he would leave my dreams,
Cause now I can’t really fall asleep

Deprived from life
Deprived from love
Giving my all and it’s never enough

Attracted to danger
Attracted to death
Slipping a little further,
From a reality check
Have I really shown no respect?
Maybe I was obsessed

Death my life
Death my love
I’ve sharpened the knife
Just give it a shove

Tell me
Tell me
Please tell me that I’ll never be enough
That I really fucked it up
That you will never show me love

Take my happy
Take my pain
Leaving the memories,
But letting them fade

Feeling it all
So deep and real
I know I was asking for this,
But now I’m begging for the kill

Walking barefoot on broken glass
Wondering how long this pain will last
Will death come back

Losing the grip on my life line
Made from shards and rotted twine
Just hanging by a thread