

Threw out old boxes,
Regrets and photographs,
Empty pockets and lockets,
Which once were full of his love packets,
But the day when I realised he's not for me,
Was the day when I got myself in me,
My eyes once which had only his face.
Are now very sad yet to have an ace,
Off course I don't have his memories in my phone,
But I still have him in my mind which is my own,
When I decided to move on,
Was the moment I went on,
He didn't meant when he said I love you,
But I was always with him without saying I love you,
The day he left me alone,
Was the moment I decided to be alone,
When he left me I didn't had any queries
But he didn't even thought about my worries,
That was the day when he taught me a lesson,
I said thank you for teaching not to trust blindly any person.... Raj...