

Light in Judgment
In whispered halls of discontent and blame,
A voice cries out, unheard, in deep despair.
Beneath the family tree's dark, looming frame,
Lies broken dreams, a heart in disrepair.

For forty years, a scapegoat bore the scorn,
With every accusation, spirit bled.
A life in shadows, tattered and forlorn,
As cruel words danced in circles round her head.

Yet in this storm, a steadfast soul arose,
Defiant light amidst the raging gloom.
In truth's embrace, she finds her sweet repose,
While others dwell in hate's consuming tomb.

In solitude, she finds her strength anew,
A phoenix rising, glorious and true.
© Cathrin Stuart Vici Kiehm Vici van der Merwe