

Romance is Weird
Remember those days
before you met the love of your life
You were having a blast
just enjoying those times

Then bam!

You met them
And you feel this sensation inside your chest

When you talk
your voice would go higher or lower
unlike how it usually is

When they approach you
You feel nervous
as if something was definitely going to go wrong

When you look at them
You think that
you've found your everything

Your friends would tease you
A once so talkative or quiet person
Suddenly acts opposite or even worse (or better) when they're around

Then of two outcomes
The sweet and the bitter

The day you want to seal the deal
It makes you all giddy
And you'd realize
You were truly in love

The day they get to live under the same roof
You have the urge to take care of them
More than anyone else

The day you have a family
You'd remember all the things your parents did
And you'd pass it on
Or break a toxic habit

Until the very end of your life
Living with the one you so adore
It makes things worth while


The day you want to seal the deal
It makes you all giddy
But you realize
They weren't ready

The day you or they choose to break up
Your heart aches
for comfort and assurance
Hoping that such pain won't last

The day you decide to love again
You'd know it'll never be the same
So either you try
Or succumb to toxicity

The day your heart breaks again
Would be another day
for an endless cycle to begin

Or maybe the day you want to seal the deal
With the new person you love
Will it proceed to the next stage
or go back to square one

You feel entirely different
the moment you meet someone
you think you want or you truly want
to spend the rest of your life with

It could be the hormones
It could be influencial
Who knows what could have induced them

Romance is definitely weird


Romance *makes you* weird

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