

common scents
Memorable scents
Logged in my brain
Fresh cut grass & gasoline

Cinnamon toast crunch
Fantasy by Brittany Spears
Cilantro, basil, rosemary

Drawn by my senses
A visceral feeling
Following the crackling flame
The cigar smoldering

The smell of sex
Permeates the air
Condensation licks the windows
Pheromones blend
As you pull my hair

I long for these aromatics
The dirty & clean
The smell of fresh rainfall
The smell of DMT

Some make me stir
Skunk spray
Cow manure
Cat piss
& balsamic vinegar

But in my dreams
I'm fueling up on
Vanilla bean
& evergreen

Old spice
& Irish spring
Wash up stream
Invigorating memory