He finally reached the very top of the hill
A sense of achievement and such a thrìll
He stopped still and admired the view
Matchstick people and the sky so blue
The cars like matchboxes a miniature speck
Churches and buildings just a mere fleck
He took out his camera to take a snap or three
So much happiness and so much to see
What goes up they say must come down
So he decided to leave and head for town
When he would return again he didn't know
He was king of the hill the photos will show
A sense of achievement and such a thrìll
He stopped still and admired the view
Matchstick people and the sky so blue
The cars like matchboxes a miniature speck
Churches and buildings just a mere fleck
He took out his camera to take a snap or three
So much happiness and so much to see
What goes up they say must come down
So he decided to leave and head for town
When he would return again he didn't know
He was king of the hill the photos will show