

let me write
Let me write,
till my pen breaks,
Till the last drop of ink dries up,
Till my eyes loose their lights,
Till my mind losse all his words,

Let me write,
Let me write my peace,
Let me write my smile,
My world, my joy,
my misery, my sorrow,
my triumph, my loss
Let me write her,

Let me write her eyes about,
Well there won't be papers to write,
TO write her beauty,
what tends to infinity,

Even if paper ain't enough I'll write on
The sky
Even the ink ain't enough I'll write my the blood of love,
But what if the sky isn't enough to write.....
Where will i write with my eternous love....

Let me write all around the world
Preaching her beauty
Like a mad saint


Let me write until she returns,
Let me live in her memory,
Let me die in that,
Let me be with her in my thoughts,
Let me live a my life,

Oh the papers, there is no life for me to write

© ak_writes