

First think I want to say is thank you Lord,

Our mornings go fast and soon the day is done,

Regardless of this, thank you for your blessing.

Youth turns to okd age faster than you imagine,

Old testaments and testimonies of Your hand on us,

Ultimately holding us up in times of woe,

Replenishing our dwindling stores and

Every gift we give in happiness and joy,

Truly has you at its heart,

Every door opened to us as we go along,

Reminds us of Your daily care for us.

New blessings we experience every single day.

A life lived is worth worship.

Life is a blessing in every way.

Blessings in all our situations,

Loves, and lifes given in joy,

Ever wonder what happenef to the dreams you discarded?

Sometimes what you become is what you were meant to be.

Simple lives are contentment lived,

It could be an artisan enjoying his creativity,

Nothing in life is a thing to discard,

Give what you have everything you have got.

Sing loudest when you can create beauty.