

Behind our smiles sometimes.💫
Why not take steps back and rewind,
A little further aligned.
Try to see what is defined.
Behind those smiles that shined.

Behind our smiles sometimes,
Lies unfeigned joy, refined.
With tepid souls, affined.
And hearty emotions, confined.
Sincere happiness it streamlined.

Behind our smiles sometimes,
Lies fears that were inclined.
Doubtfulness submerged.
Coated with faint courage that pined.
And scare-filled pulses that undermined.

Behind our smiles sometimes,
Lies wishes of hope outlined.
Reassurance we headlined.
Mental caressing we combined.
A smile of upliftment of the mind.

Behind our smiles sometimes,
Lies the deepest wounds enshrined.
Gushes of black blood tightly packed.
Shut out to heal with false disregard.
Fatal wounds covered by smiles entwined.

Behind our smiles sometimes,
Lies hate and shame Interwined.
With insecurities hovering above mankind.
And self consciousness redesigned.
Making one be to oneself, maligned.

Behind our smiles sometimes,
Lies a lost figure that finds,
Searches for itself, blind.
Yearning to discover it's wine.
But unable to see purpose of any kind.

Behind the smiles sometimes,
Lies twirls of emotions combined.
Buckled up, they submerged.
Confusion and Overwhelm it streamlined.
A jumble of feelings it defined.

Behind our smiles sometimes,
Hold emotions of all kind..

© dh_irah✨🦋