

In somber halls, on this Good Friday eve,
The veil, a symbol, we humbly receive.
A shroud of mystery, it gently falls,
Veiling truths beyond cathedral walls.

In Christian lore, the veil holds its sway,
Concealing secrets till the appointed day.
A symbol of separation, it stands tall,
Between the sacred and the mundane's call.

Upon the cross, Christ's sacrifice told,
The veil in temple, torn, the story unfold.
No longer barriers, no longer bound,
In His grace, redemption's veil unbound.

Yet still it lingers, in hearts devout,
A reminder of faith, casting out doubt.
For in its folds, we find the divine,
A symbol of hope, forever entwined.

On this Good Friday, let the veil unfurl,
Revealing grace, in a broken world.
For in its shadows, we find the light,
Guiding us through the darkest night.
© Shaaruu'sArt