

Relationship advice.
Never compare your partner with your ex.

Nobody love's to be compared.Be truthful about your feelings.

Doesn't matter good or bad.Respect is the most important factor in a relationship.

Because if you will lose respect, you will never be able to get it back.
Talk openly about EVERYTHING!

Especially the things that are bothering you. Remember that 'Secrets will only divide you.'

You have to be good at fighting.

Because fights are also a part of relationship.
A relationship is not only about romantic things.

Because you will still have to face many challenges and obstacles.
It's not always his/her fault.

Maybe you misunderstood his or her.
Never take your partner for granted.

You don't know when they will start ignoring you and then you will feel the pain of losing them.
Self-love is very important.

Because your body also needs some attention and care if you want to take care of others.. Build up trust. Be honest and faithful to them.

Because you should never do those things which you don't want them to do.
© matubaby