

We got lost and He directed us to right path
Book entitled
The humble saw heaven
Written by Apostle Bonifácio

Title: We got lost and He directed us to the right path

Brethren,i hope you are doing well in the spiritual and physical life.Before we proceed I love to tell everyone to clap hands for the living Soldier of God "Jesus Christ" for the miracles He perform to those whom He loves.

Truly the humble see heaven when he/she find it easier to bend the knees and fear the Lord of life.

The sheep of the Lord of life once got lost and the enemy of the living God and his wicked demons were already celebrating for having the sheep of Christ walking in their way to endless fires but God is great and those who humble themselves before His Son He exalts.

The sheep of the Lord were already enjoying the poisoned grass but one of them remembered that *God exalts the humble* that as they were already lost they should cry to Jesus in prayer that He whose ears aren't deaf He would send His angel to show them the right path.
They did not refuse to believe that Jesus is the Merciful Savior to all those who receive Him as a Savior and protector.
The Lost sang to Jesus,they cried,they prayed and they believed and as they believed the Lord of lords had to stretch His hand and save the lost by simply reminding them that "I am the truth,way and life" that whoever walks on this path see the face of the Maker of all things visible and invisible.

The lost sheep asked the Lord to make easier for them to come home but He said to them "I am the place which you call home,simply listen the angel that I sent to open the huge gates for you to step on the truly way" and you shall live.

The Lord of life is so humble that we also need to appear humble on His sight that He may be glad to call us His sheep.
Jesus needs us and no one will love us as He does therefore we are called to bend our knees before His throne everytime we are sad or glad.

Son & the
Holy Spirit.Amen

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