


The wave of change rolls in with might,
Sweeping shadows, birthing light.
Tides that turn the sands anew,
Whispering dreams where winds once blew.

Ancient rocks that stand so proud,
Softened by this shifting shroud.
Mountains bow to time’s embrace,
Erosion carved with gentle grace.

Leaves that fall from lofty heights,
Dancing in their final flights.
Winter’s breath and summer’s flame,
All bow down to change’s claim.

In the streets where footsteps fade,
Echoes of the past parade.
Voices old and young combine,
Harmonize in time’s design.

Cities rise and crumble down,
Cycle through the lost and found.
Steel and stone may mark the land,
But change is drawn with nature’s hand.

Hearts that break and heal in turn,
Lessons that we live to learn.
Love that shifts yet still remains,
Bound within life’s endless chains.

Every dawn a fresh surprise,
New horizons greet our eyes.
Embrace the wave, for it is clear,
Change is constant, ever near.

Ride the current, sail the breeze,
Find your course on changing seas.
For in the flux, we find our way,
Navigating night to day.
© Testimony