

A Boy To A Man
What is it that you want?
Asked out the world
Eyes lost of all hope
And broken as one can be

What is it that you want?
Being a hardworking student
It isn't enough
Have to excel at every other thing
Be sports or academic.

What is it that you want?
Being a filial son isn't enough
I need to earn bread
I can't talk out the problems
Just have to smile and face it no matter what.

What is it that you want?
To fulfill dreams that you dreamt
No fulfill expectations placed on you
And forget that you can ever dream
It's crime to think about ourself.

What is it that you want?
Being loyal to relationship
That's not enough
I have to do things which are not told
And make things happen
Which happens in fantasy

What is it that you want?
A reply came out of nowhere
I want you to be man
Go back to work you left to do it
Provide for loved ones even they kick you out
Crying out in pain makes you weak

I want you to be strong
Be physically and mentally
Do the things considered impossible
Living for ourself is a luxury we can't afford
Then at old age you will be looking back
And be proud that you didn't ran from responsibility no matter what happened.

Be a man you are meant to be!
Thousands scars on your body
Will sing your tales of bravery.

The boy didn't dare to look back
He knew all what said is true
With a smile on his face
Went to do work that's needed to be done.

© L00S3R