

Red River Gorge
Sometimes we are called
to step away from the ‘day to day‘
to decompress
to reconnect
to what brings ‘joy’ to oneself
and to those most important,
our family and friends
For me, this joy
comes from family hiking
tent camping and nature exploring
This reconnection with nature
brings forth a certain cleansing
of the soul
So whether jumping off
the twenty-five foot “Jump Rock”,
climbing the forty-five degree “Indian Staircase”,
or just enjoying the more reserved
rose rhododendron lined hiking trails
where one can let one’s mind wander
These landscape renderings offer
a sense of soulful solace
And when my adult children and I
needed to supplement our backpack snacks
to sustain our sustenance,
we were blessed with wild blue-eyed
blueberry beauties before the black bears
could munch the branches clean
So please join me
and my family
on this virtual wildlife adventure
where we can step away
from the day to day
and appreciate what awaits us
if we just take time
to go see it