

Best of Friends
I always remember
The day we've met
I can't forget your smile
and how loud you laugh
I missed those times
We've been together
And every moment
That we've shared
Time had passed,
Memories faded
But one thing I'd promise
I will never forget you
'Till my breath runs out
You're the only reason
Why I can still smile
Even I'd suffer
From great pain
You’re the only reason
Why I am still fighting
Even though I really want to surrender
And to give up
You give me courage
And reason to move forward
Though what i really wanted
Is to step backward
You're the only person
Who lighted me up
During the darkest part of my life
You're the only reason
Why I keep on fighting
And holding on
You're the only person
Who remain standing beside me
And never leave me
Even the whole world are against me
You're my best of friends
My only reason
Why I'd choose to continue striving
You never let me down
And you lifted me up

© Mhericon Jean L. Lorenzo