

First Love
On the day I have seen her,
I was just 8 years old!

And I think she would be,
Only just 7 years old!!

I first saw her coming inside the class!
And felt like moon was walking into class!!

She was a short height cutie!
With a milky white face!!

And a round faced beauty!
With a brightening up smile!!

Her eyes were cute!
Like a shiny star!!

And voice was sweet!
Like a honey drops!

I fallen in love!
On the spot!!

And started believing,
Love at first sight!!

From then I went to school to only see her!
And never missed a day in thought of her!!

Years passed by seeing her!
But I haven't opened to tell her my love!!

Our routes changed!
So schools changed!!

And I haven't seen her back!
Again till the date!!

But in my heart,
She is first love!!

© Thar

#love #firstlove #memories