

"Life of an Addict"
The life of an addict
Is something that's hard to fathom
Some people spend every waking moment
Chasing that dragon
It's only a vicious circle
Never being able to catch him
Some people in order to catch it
Would surely give life or limb
You wake up every morning
With getting high on your mind
You think of what you have to do first
Before getting on that grind
Some people first have to get money
Other people have to go get the drug
Others need to get their lazy butt up
And go see their "plug"
The "plug" is the person who you go & see They are who you can get ANYTHING from
Sometimes a person has multi-plugs
But normally a person will only have one
It's different for each person
Living the life of an addict
It goes against every moral
And only contradicts
It seems to always contradict
What a "normal life" is said to be
But what is normal for you
Just isn't normal for me
Addicts fight the world and fight their demons
They only usually get jail and fines
They would quit the lifestyle if they could
And leave this life behind

© De Ona Marie Charamut