

Crying Beauty
Crying Beauty

I missed the scenic look
Of that crying beauty
When my not so blunt words
Hit at her not so strong heart

And the galaxy of tears
Travelling in an indisciplined manner
Decorating her rosy cheeks
Like the wax of an angry candle
Burnt against her will
That melts lights & fights
The unfriendly and taunting wind
And all it fears

I feel sorry......... :(
Neither for i made her cry
Nor for she cried for me
But for i missed the spectacle
Of the floating train of drops
Which were not willing to part
From the lanes of the lids
Protecting the most beautiful pair of eyes
And like me...they are also sorry.....:(

She is far off from my sight
But still i can feel
In the whirls of my sauntering thoughts
How she wud b wiping off her precious tears
Injuring those innocent tears
Which were crying themsleves
for their sad plight...

That beauty mustn't cry again
For she cant bear the strain & pain
May God transfer all her tears
to me.....who knows how much are they dear
And i may treasure them in my heart
And feel that....she is somewhere near...

© Tahir N Mughal