

Ghost Alive
The long dim shadows,
Of surrounding trees,
The hooting sound of an owl,
With enchanting whispers of the breeze,

One ghost stood alive from graveyard
White smoky carpet to full bodied hard
Black forest turnaround region Sackson
Prepared haunt a human desires bone

Nearby German Navier building inn
Mr Caramel reading interview sleeping
Knock the door tea with ice or cream
Ghost red eye blue nose grey ear scream

Yes sir don't go anywhere ghost attack
What did you say just kill sound track
There should be suspense like Saturday
God comes to say you aren't going hay

Look man I'm not robot type of ghost
Fear my face but not dead soul lost host
Few years ago they burnt bury my heart
It's competition around neck round art

Wait a minute is it monster backyard
No give my love vein eat till bone eight
Anything surprise elements escape save
Caramel hits two fingers wind pipe awe

Listen man the world knows only live
But before going to rest i want flesh jive
Therefore jump on pump would fresh
Lastly the ghost ate caramel like mess