

Commandment Countdown ( fifth commandment)
" Honour thy father and thy mother, that thy days which may be long upon the land which the LORD thy GOD giveth thee."

I have brought disgrace upon my parents, I didn't honour them.
I broke this commandment and if you break at least one commandment, you've broken them all,
making you a sinner
I am a sinner, but I can be forgiven by Christ through repentance.
So children, it is your Christian duty to obey your parents
for this is what pleases the LORD.
And remind yourself that there are people with more authority than you,
so show them respect and even if they don't have authority over you like your you her younger sibling
respect them, thier feelings and thier property.
"For respect doesn't have any privileges "
Respect your parents, guardians, elders and others,
because this delights the LORD.

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