

Sorry I wasn't there
You had no right to stain
That snow-white skin of yours
You had no right to break
Those porcelain bones of yours

You had no right to leave me
Wondering if it's my fault
But I've been in your shoes before
So I know how it must have felt

Was it so painful to be so lonely
In a world full of people
Was life revolting to the point of
Squashing it to naught

My world is no longer bright
Not that it had ever been
My ink is dry, my poems don't rhyme
And every sign I missed will taunt me for the days to come

But what haunts me most of all
Is the thought that if I tried enough
Could I have prevented it at all?

I'm not even angry,
I'm just hurt beyond repair
A million "I love you's" aren't enough
Cause you're no longer there
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