

Nature's Feeling
Nature a beautiful creation of God
That beauty spreads happiness and gives to be calm
But we don't care about nature
Whatever we learnt that river is the source of water and plant is the source
of food
And birdsong gives melody to our ear
But what can we do
We implant factory near river
We use electronic device to give self rest
We kill bird and eat them
That's why our nature is going upset with us as a result nature gives punishment like earthquake,sunaami,toofan etc
How we became so selfish our
activities also increases the temperature of earth
Now nature whispers to ourselves through unusual weather changes
But we can't hear that whisper of nature
Time to time it gives warning also but we ignore
Now it's the time to listen nature's whisper otherwise when nature
comes to punish this time we can't handle
So use natural resources wisely

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