


We work tiredly under the scourging
hotness of the sun, melting away
weakness and laziness trying to
prove and make a statement
still we go home with
nothing tangible to take
care of daily needs.


what they have ever told
me is not what i really need
to hear, my heart never get
hold of the reality that comes when
I seat around elder men, what
I ever know is work very
hard with determination and
courage, you shall make it but
when I step out like the sun
I behold more truth that subdue
my conviction,
I know what a terrible and terrified moment we have.

men are tired of hearing be strong you will make it.
be determined the sky is your limit.
be courageous because their is a lion within you that is waiting to be released.
yet we work with strong might in the MORNING
stepping on different dimension of life, pushing through
the AFTERNOON still holding on with the wave of the day
but my strength is failing me but I still hold on to the NIGHT
still my pocket remain empty and dry like the dry season, those period rain is scarce from the land, in the NIGHT when the fowls are sleeping we are out their tiling grounds for a bread in the plate.

oh what a mystery of life

men who never work under the sun
never push through the day, fly widely
and stronger than those who are determined and courageous
what then do you say about life.

fair or unfair?

they never seat around motivational speaker
yet they made it to the top.

what then is the secret of the night?

when men move higher than others
with great success around their belt.

irony of life!

Indeed! Life’s unfair.
Some don’t have to work with
a silver spoon in their mouth or
not even move a muscle and yet,
they have everything,
while others has to work their butt off
just to get day to day, yet,
still we have the blessings by the grace of God.

differences between the rich and might
rich is very sweet and really blowing
with jubilation to the heart, very enticing
to the soul and bring us to fulfilment of life but is that all the sanctity and entity of money bring to us.

rich is giving and inherited

but mightiness represent pain, sorrow, guilty, depression,
suffering and story of the untold trying to make name that contain much value, yet many never
regard the part of great man because not all are willing to undergo the funnels of gold, mightiness is earn not giving.

still mightiness of a man speak louder than riches of men.
but men lust, lure them into snare net of the terrifying night.

build story not the reward in between the story there is a reward.
I know, as long as I am doing my very best in life. I have all it takes to make it to the top.
Just continue doing what you do best. Miracles do happen when we least expect it!!

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