

My Charger
My cell phone beeps
On the passenger seat
A message pops up
My battery is low

I curse myself
Under my breath
For forgetting my charger
Again at home

Few things make one realise
The passing of time
The way a draining battery does
As the screen goes dim

I try to come up with ways
To make it last longer
HONK - I snap out of my thoughts
Distraction nearly killed me

I'm driving somewhere
I'd never been to before
I need my cell phone's GPS
Without it, I fear I'll get lost

I don't know where I'm going
Nor if I'll make it in time
If only there was a petrol station
Where I can buy another charger

I know it is a privilege
To rely on convenience
But the truth is that life will seldom
Hand you over the easy way out

As my phone goes dead
I'm faced with a choice
Take the next exit to the petrol station
Or trust my intuition and keep driving

A voice inside my head says
I have no sense of direction
Perhaps I've simply never given
My inner compass a chance to shine

Maybe I've spent so much time
Focusing on the destination
That I forgot to take the rest of it in
That is, the journey we call life

© Cynthia Sappracone