

Happy international women's day (grandma)
from:Her granddaughter Annastacia.
She's not the best or worst mother, grandmother,sister,niece or aunty in the world but she's everything to me.
Her smile and presence always light up the room and everyone for some reasons.Shes my grandma and I love her,even though she's not with us,Her memories stays with me.
Why? because she's the reason why I kept writing all these years.When I was younger I used to wrote poems and stories and read them to her while she correct my mistakes.She motive me in every ways I could possibly think of.The way she talks and reason with us or me I could tell that everyone use to enjoyed talking to her and shared their secrets back in the days.My grandma Beverly hemmings had and or have a lot of impact on us all.I hope she's doing the same wherever she went after death.Thank you grandma for always being there with me through out my writing skills and I'm also doing so well these few years after your death 💔💔Happy women's day to you and all the women on this app.
© Annastacia smith