

I Walk That Line
I Walk That Line
Every Day
I Walk That Line
That precious thin line of light and dark
Where Good and Evil stand on opposite sides
I Walk That Line
I was born to no one
So it seems that both sides have a claim
So each day
I Walk That Line
I try to stay in the light
But you know that the darkness always draws you close as
I Walk That Line
Life has always been hard and never will change
Just because today i walk in the light
Doesn’t mean tomorrow won’t be walking in the darkness
I Walk That Line
People will always push you to that side you don’t want to go
But when you hit that dark side then it’s all over for them
But you have to fight your way back to where you see the other side
I Walk That Line
Once you cross that line it’s hard to come back to the light
Each time you cross the farther away you get from the light so that is why
I Walk That Line
To avoid crossing over to always be in sight of the light
To be out of the darkness way
So when you play with me remember
I Walk That Line
And you don’t know what side I’m going to end up on
I Walk That Line
By Robert Prezioso
© Robert prezioso