

The Deaf Musician
The night of silence, starts a maestro's tale,
Beethoven's journey, a tempest set to sail.
Fingers on keys, begins a passionate start,
Notes whispered softly from a resilient heart.

A pianist's fingers, dancing in the night, Conducting a sonata, his inner light.
Ode to joy, triumphs over strife,
In deafening silence, composing a musical life.

Deafness descended, causing a relentless night,
Yet, in silence, him forging his resolute light. Moonlit sonatas, echoes of the divine,
Spirits highly soared, and a glass-filled wine.

Through the symphony of silence, he wove,
A tapestry of passion, a testament to love.
Deaf to the world, yet attuned to the divine, Beethoven's music, an everlasting hopeful sign.

Strings of destiny played a poignant song, Harmony rising, a struggle lifelong.
A deaf composer, playing in the night.
The man, the legend, a historical delight.

Struggles etched in every crescendo's rise,
A poetic dance beneath the starlit skies.
In shadows, resilience found its place, Bittersweet anthems, a tribute to grace.

Legacy enduring, like a timeless hymn,
His music, testament to the soul's vim.
Through adversity, his spirit would thrive,
A maestro of resilience, forever alive.

© #Sherlocked