

A Poet's Death II
To my Dear Friend, Sebastian

I went to the meadows to pick a flower
Just a gift for Ms. Auer
Have I told you about my lover?
I met her in the harbor of Baur

How beautiful she is with her blonde hair
I have never met a maiden so fair
I love the warmt of her tender care
Along with the memories we share

How beautiful life is when you soar
My shops and houses of grandeur decor
Fancy suits and ties I wore
Oh, how great it is to live in the land of Moore

My friend, To develop the land of Moore is my desire
To fuel my heart's unyielding fire
For this cause I will never tire
Unaware of the events that will transpire

The Governor took his gasp
With the land of Moore in my grasp
Fearful he is to my power
He declared my final hour

The Governor's men approach my door
They all dragged me to the floor
I escaped them, the rope I tore
I ran, I ran, away from the land of Moore

They caught me in my lover's abode
A sentence of death she was also bestowed
I broke the gentlemen's code
They took me down the road

The Governor's men load me to a ship
They beaten me with a whip
Took me to the ocean
To set their plan in motion

They dropped me on the ocean's wave
Is this what I get for the path I pave
How poetic it is for me to die
To survive I didn't even try

No more bustling shore
No more fair prices on my store
No more letter for the friend I adore
No more the land of Moore

No more trinkets, knickknacks, and items of endless supply
No more profits that will sail the sky
No more fixing my suit and knoting my tie
For this day a poet die

My fate has been set
No amount of wealth to save me from this depth
I smiled to the face of death
Today I will take my final breath

Your Dear Friend,
Jonathan Reese Sinclair