

Insanic Sense(Loosing everything)
You don't want the world to see your scars
So you rather scar your body-
To hide away the pain in mind
Hide away the beauty of your soul
Destruct the beauty of your body
Loose the blood of your veins
Turn red on the signifying red for ever
To let the scars of your heart go far away
And turn the scars on your body again
Like a landmark you reached
Like an insomia level increased
Like the thin anxiety increased
Like the sanity becoming least
Like the insanity taking the lead
Like the depression haunting you deep
Like the swimming practice decreased
And you drowning deep
Far away the sea
Where no one could find your 'me'
Not even the 'me' you wanted to be
Just to not let the world see
The monster you've been
The devil you've seen
The good deeds you did
And the debt you now have to release
From my very own friend I meet
Everyday, Death.
Leave everything thee
For you are finally going to be
As it whispers the 'me'
You can not see
You can not feel
Yet to be
You still be.